Need a kickstart?
Get 6 free 10 minute videos sent to you, one a day for the next 6 days.
Restart the habit of fitness, at zero cost.
Want to go further? Check out my online subscription when you're done.
Find your move...
Pre-COVID-19, I ran regular fitness classes in Boyatt Wood.
But, since they are no longer running, take a look at my online anytime classes, instead:
Keeping Fit at Home
Online Anytime Classes
Over the last year or so I've released multiple new fitness videos each week for subscribers to perform at home including a variety of class types such as Pilates, Body Resistance workouts, High Intensity Interval Training and Circuits. An ideal way to stay fit during this period of self-isolation and social-distancing to limit the spread of COVID-19. Pick and choose from this huge library of workouts, and perform them at your leisure on your phone, tablet, computer, laptop or even smart TV - wherever you can use YouTube!
Well Over 100 Videos Available
... or I can move you:
If you're comfortable with Zoom (after all it seems to be everywhere...) I can provide you with a tailored programme of exercise, designed according to your own goals, delivered from my home to yours. No gym rats or lurkers - it's just you and me.
Personal Training is the best and quickest way to get the results you want. Programmes are designed and adapted specifically to you and your needs, with a qualified and experienced personal trainer guiding you to perform every exercise and stretch properly, ensuring you get the most out of each and every session. I specialise in fat loss, increased muscle tone and building body confidence, and additionally offer nutritional advice to help you reach your goals. Enjoy exercise with one-to-one encouragement and expertise and leave refreshed and revitalised.
Alternatively, do you have a group of friends with similar fitness goals? Benefit from the kind of tailored experience that personal training offers, but delivered to your group. Think of it like a small, informal class, where the content is specifically tailored to you and each of you gets one-to-one attention to ensure you get the most out of each session.
at my home
I have plenty of equipment (which I thoroughly clean before and after your session) and a decent bit of both indoor and outdoor garden space, if you're comfortable visiting me in Eastleigh. Maximum one client at a time though, to maintain the required social distancing.
at your home
If you have sufficient space at your home to satisfy social distancing requirements and don't live too far away, I might be able to travel to you instead. But please be aware that as I don't drive I can't offer this to everyone!
or at your workplace.
I offer 30 minute lunchtime sessions for offices and workplaces, that benefit the overall wellness of staff.
Spend 30 minutes away from your desk with either a Progressive Muscle Stretch Relaxation or Pilates for Sedentary Workers.
I can only deliver workplace sessions in-person once measures to limit the spread of COVID-19 have been fully lifted, but if you are interested in delivering sessions remotely to employees to help maintain and improve their wellbeing in what is certainly a testing time for all of us, please do get in touch.
Hello, I'm Victoria...

Victoria Woodward
Personal Trainer
As a Personal Trainer, I see a variety of different clients. What they all have in common is a desire to make a change, feel better and achieve their goals. I work hard to ensure that clients get the most out of their sessions with me and in their own time by providing workouts to do at home, tips, advice and encouragement to keep up the good work and stay on track to meet their goals.
I enjoy every minute of training my clients and I make sure that they do too by keeping it fun, light hearted but challenging with realistic goals being set and met.
The first step into a new routine is always the hardest, but the moment you finish your first session, refreshed and re-energised, you'll be glad you took it.
Also, here's what other people say about me...
Or do you just need that kickstart that I mentioned earlier? 😊
You can get 6 free 10 minute videos sent to you, one a day for the next 6 days.
Restart the habit of fitness, at zero cost.
Want to go further? Check out my online subscription when you're done.